Pick your path to 2040

June 1, 2018

You’re invited to participate in an Official Community Plan (OCP) interactive exhibit to experience which future scenario for Kelowna 2040 reflects your choices.

The first exhibit takes place this Saturday, June 2 from 10a.m. – 2p.m. at Stuart Park.

Additional exhibits will be held at Okanagan College (KLO Campus) from 3:00 – 6:30p.m. on June 4 and 5 and at Rutland Centennial Hall from 3:00 – 6:30p.m on June 6 and 7.

Please find attached the advertisement for the OCP Pick your Path to 2040 as well as the poster, which can be shared, and printed to be placed where you see fit.

If you are unable to attend the exhibit you can shape Our Kelowna as we Grow by participating online from June 1 to June 30 at kelowna.ca/imaginenext.

For more information about Pick your Path to 2040, visit: https://www.kelowna.ca/our-community/news-events/news/pick-your-path-2040.