City of Kelowna endorses the BC Energy Step Code

May 7, 2019

Kelowna’s Energy Step Code Implementation Strategy was endorsed by Council on May 6th, 2019 for Part 9 residential buildings.

Below is some information including key dates, rebates and next steps.

Key Implementation Dates:
Between May 20 and November 30, 2019, Kelowna builders can voluntarily build to the Energy Step Code.

December 1, 2019: Step 1 implementation. Part 9 residential buildings must be designed and constructed to meet or exceed Step 1 of the BC Energy Step Code.

June 1, 2021: Step 3 implementation. Part 9 residential buildings must be designed and constructed to meet or exceed Step 3 of the BC Energy Step Code.

The City of Kelowna is offering City of Kelowna building permit rebates for builders to become familiar with the new procedures and using an energy advisor. These rebates are available between May 20 and November 30, 2019.

New Home Construction Rebates are also available through FortisBC for builders constructing to the Energy Step Code.

Additional details on Energy Step Code implementation in Kelowna including rebates, incentives and Council reports is available on the City of Kelowna’s Energy Step Code webpage.