North Okanagan Step Code Training

With the North Okanagan region implementing Step 1 in January, builders, designers, site supers, and trades throughout the Okanagan need to be prepared for code changes that lie ahead regarding the creation of more energy efficient homes.

StepUp provide builders with a full day of education to help them prepare for these incoming changes. Builders will end the day with a wealth of information and will be better prepared to meet the challenges of creating higher-performance homes.

  • 7:30 – 8:15 – Breakfast / Registration
  • 8:15 – 8:30 Tanya Rumak: Opening Presentation on Rebates from FortisBC
  • 8:30 – 9:30 – Gilles Lesage: Step Code 101 and Integrated Design Process
  • 9:40 – 10:40 – Steve Jackson: Step Code for Building Designers
  • 10:50 – 11:50 – Clayton Parks: Rightsizing Mechanical
  • 11:50 – 1:00 – Lunch
  • 1:00 – 2:00 – Brendon Gray + Sebastian Motora: Building Airtight Homes
  • 2:10 – 3:20 Les Shuert: Rethinking Roof and Wall Enclosures
  • 3:30 – 4:30 Chad Guidi: Selecting Windows for Step Code

Speaker Lineup
Step Code 101 and the Integrated Design Process

Presented by Total Home Solutions

The Integrated Design Process or IDP is a proven approach to deliver projects more quickly and cost effectively.  The approach has been embraced by large commercial builders and architectural firms as a competitive advantage however smaller scale single family residential projects continue to work in silos that disconnect the client, designers, engineering consultants, builders and trades.

From day one of the project, the IDP process coordinates the teams skills, experience and knowledge throughout the design to inform cost effective construction practices, energy conservation measures, and structural/mechanical/electrical/landscape systems integration to minimize costs, reduce construction miscommunication, improve quality and meet agreed construction schedule and budget targets.

The goal, everyone wins!  Delivering projects faster, more cost effectively, and on time is a major competitive advantage.


Attendees in this session will learn:

  • About the Integrated Design Process (IDP),
  • IDP best practices and using IDP to optimize project costs,
  • Key partners in this process,
  • How to implement the process.

Right Sizing Mechanical

Presented by Quality Air Care

With the evolution of building codes, the growth of the multi-family market, and the introduction of Step code and Net Zero Enegry homes, the energy required to condition new, efficient homes has been reduced considerably.


Attendees in this session will learn:

  • Introduction to the concept of designing to proper size.
  • Step Code – What we’ve learned so far in Kelowna and Lake Country
  • Defining F280-12
  • Benefits of right sizing systems
  • Duct leakage impacts
  • Case Study #1 Typical medium sized home
    1. Effects of windows
    2. Effects of air leakage rates
    3. Effects of Ventilation (HRV or no HRV)
  • Case Study #2 Large home
  • Case Study #3 attached row home

Step Code for Building Designers

Presented by Enviromatics

The implementation of the BC Step Code has changed the way builders think about the construction of a home. However, what we’ve learned is that most of the pain points of building an energy-efficient home can be avoided if taken into consideration at the design phase.

In this one-hour session, we will discuss the considerations necessary when designing a home to meet Step Code requirements. We will be looking at sample house designs to determine what insulation, windows and mechanicals are commonly used to achieve desired step. This is to help the design community, and others, to learn the basic fundamentals of Step code design/build.


  • Factors driving demand for energy efficient homes
    • Building codes and mandatory labelling)
    • Customer preferences and rising energy costs
    • Presence of Net Zero homes and benefits to your brand
  • Benchmarking and optimization: Understanding impact of Energy conservation measures (ECM) on performance metrics (ERS < REF %, MEUI, TEDI, and BC Step) through parametric simulation. Discuss energy considerations in:
    • Design
    • Assemblies
    • Fenestration
    • Mechanicals
    • Renewables

Building Airtight Homes and the Importance of Blower Door Tests
Presented by Egnite Sustainability and Okanagan Aerobarrier

With Step Code leaving energy efficiency up to interpretation, builders are left wondering what combination of best practices will give them the confidence needed to build a compliant, energy efficient home. Do you maximize your windows? Double the insulation? At the end of the day, you just want to know what is the best path to ensuring an energy efficient build.

The best time to check in on your project is between drywall and taping. As this is a critical time for a mid-stage blower door test, we will join Brendon Gray from Egnite Sustainability to talk about the importance of a mid-stage blower door test and how it works.


  • What is air tightness (ACH50), and why does it matter
  • Common sources and locations of air tightness issues
  • The importance of mid construction blower door test – why it’s important to check this pre-drywall
  • How a mid construction blower door test works – understanding the process and benefits
  • Additional considerations to ensure a quality step-code-compliant build
  • Q & A

Re-thinking Roof and Wall Enclosures
Presented by Interior BC Residential Construction Institute

When it comes to Step Code, there are lots of variable at play to achieve compliance. While we’ve discussed mechanical systems, windows, design, insulation, and general mistakes to avoid, we have not yet covered one of the most important building blocks: the outside of the home.

Join Les Shuert Partner,  as he joins us for a 60 minute session on the pros and cons of various roof, wall, and air barrier systems when building for Step Code


  • High performance Roof Enclosures
    • Ceiling Enclosure Overview
    • Sloped Ceiling
      • Pros and cons of different assembly solutions (Cost, constructability, airtightness, moisture management, sustainability)
      • Vented vs Unvented alternatives
    • Flat Ceiling
      • Pros and cons of different assembly solutions (Cost, constructability, airtightness, moisture management, sustainability)
      • Vented vs Unvented alternatives
    • Air Barrier Strategies
    • Summary of Roofs
  • High performance Wall Enclosure
    • Wall Enclosure Overview
    • Wood-Frame Walls
      • Pros and cons of different assembly solutions (Cost, constructability, airtightness, moisture management, sustainability)
    • Steel Stud Walls
      • Pros and cons of different assembly solutions (Cost, constructability, airtightness, moisture management, sustainability)
    • Below Grade Walls
      • Pros and cons of different assembly solutions (Cost, constructability, airtightness, moisture management, sustainability)
    • Air Barrier Systems (Material and Installation)
      • Interior Air Barrier System
      • Exterior Air Barrier Systems
    • Summary of Walls

Selecting Windows for the Step Code
Presented by Centra Windows

Learn how windows can optimize the energy efficiency of a home by diving into the technology behind the glass and the frame. Gain insight into how window U values and solar heat gain can impact code compliance and specific steps of the energy step code.  Understand the unintended consequences with selecting windows with high solar heat gain. Bonus Content: How to address life safety in the building code and when is tempered glass required.


  • How windows can optimize the energy efficiency of a home.
  • The Technology behind the glass and the frame.
  • Gain insight into how window U values and solar heat gain can impact code compliance and specific steps of the energy step code.
  • Understand the unintended consequences with selecting windows with high solar heat gain.
  • How to address life safety in the building code and when is tempered glass required.

This day is pending approval by BC Housing for up to 6 CPDs

Brought to you by:

Canadian Home Builders Association - Central Okanagan Regional District North Okanagan FortisBC

Prestige Lodge Vernon

3914 32 St, Vernon, BC V1T 5P1

Pending approval for 6.0 CPD