Building Smart for Basement Flood Prevention

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Flooding can come from many different sources: a river spilling its banks, a sewer backing-up, or extreme rainfall overwhelming storm drains. The result is water, often contaminated, being directed to where it can damage structures and infrastructure. This includes damage to building interiors, electrical works and landscaping. Flooding can also have a significant negative impact on the well-being of residents.

Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and magnitude of flood events. While it’s not possible to completely avoid some of the negative effects, we can anticipate and reduce the impact by designing and building homes to be more for flood resilient.

Join us to learn about:

  • Existing programs and guidelines
  • Areas of B.C. mapped as floodplains
  • Urban flooding
  • How to assess a proposed or existing residence for flood risk
  • Designing and building for flood resiliency
  • The “Build Back Better” philosophy

This virtual workshop will focus on cost-effective home flood prevention for Part 9 buildings and offer an introduction to BC Housing’s new Builder Guide to Site and Foundation Drainage.

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