The Integrated Design Process and Marketing High Efficiency Homes - Webinar
Join Brett Sichello from Nido Design as he shares his experience building energy efficient homes, the importance of the Intergrated Design Process as well as how to market energy efficient homes to your clients.
The Integrated Design Process
Course description:
The Integrated Design Process or IDP is a proven approach to deliver projects more quickly and cost effectively. The approach has been embraced by large commercial builders and architectural firms as a competitive advantage however smaller scale single family residential projects continue to work in silos that disconnect the client, designers, engineering consultants, builders and trades.
From day one of the project, the IDP process coordinates the teams skills, experience and knowledge throughout the design to inform cost effective construction practices, energy conservation measures, and structural/mechanical/electrical/landscape systems integration to minimize costs, reduce construction miscommunication, improve quality and meet agreed construction schedule and budget targets.
The goal, everyone wins! Delivering projects faster, more cost effectively, and on time is a major competitive advantage.
Attendees in this session will learn:
- About the Integrated Design Process (IDP),
- IDP best practices and using IDP to optimize project costs,
- Key partners in this process,
- How to implement the process.
Marketing High Efficiency Homes
While design trends have changed, for the most part the house of today is still built the same way as the house of 50 years ago (1970 à 2020 = 2×6, batt and poly). Join Brett from NIDO as he discusses why STEP presents an opportunity for builders, how to educate clients on the benefits of energy efficient homes (spoiler, it’s not the energy efficiency that sells), and how STEP can increase revenue.
In this course, we’ll review the changing expectations in the home buyer market with regards to energy efficiency, comfort and quality construction. What forward thinking consumers are looking for, how to set AND meet their expectations, and provide numerous valuable marketing techniques with which you can not only land new projects, but land quality projects.
Attendees in this session will learn:
- Why STEP is the next great business opportunity for forward-thinking builders
- How to market STEP-compliant homes to your clients
- How STEP-centric building can increase revenue for builders
This course is approved for 2 CPD credit(s);
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